Blog — Container candle

When it all began

Calm Coffee Container candle everyone needs a break Mental Health metime scents Sleep soy candle Well-being

When it all began

Being a stay at home mom can be rewarding but also all consuming. Over time it is very easy to forget who you are. You become a mom/nurse/chauffeur/chef/teacher/maid all in one, and it happens so fast, without you even realizing it. I never thought it would happen to me. One day I realized it did and needed to make a change. Although not an easy one. After having 4 kids, one being disabled, I decided I needed a change. I needed to find myself and something I could do for me to make me happy. Trying to find something was...

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Calm Coffee Container candle metime scents Morning Time soy candle


I know the feeling of being stuck in your house for weeks at at time. These candles have directly improved my mental health as well as my family members. There is nothing better than after a long day, lighting a candle and taking a bath or reading a book. I light one to start my day! Hey why not start the day on a good note, right! Personally I love the though of burning something natural in my home. During these scary times when your health is at risk, why not introduce a healthier candle in your home. Not only...

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Exciting Benefits

Calm Container candle Mental Health metime scents Mood Re;axed Sleep soy candle Well-being

Exciting Benefits

Here is a couple of the main benefits… First off, soy is an all natural product made from soybeans, a natural source grown by farmers. Candles made from soy burn cleaner with little to no soot being released into your air. Often candles you find are made from parraffin or a mix of the two. Parraffin candles create a large amount of black soot on the jars, on the surface or walls near by, and in your air. Why would you want to breathe that in? That’s almost like breathing in soot from a home that was on fire. You...

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